Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Hiking With Kids

The past two years I have offered a hiking club for Fayston and Moretown students. At Fayston, we had a guest join us from the Green Mountain Club (GMC). Lorne Currier, GMC Volunteer & Education Coordinator, taught us how to prepare for a hike, trail etiquette, and about the history of the GMC. He also helped us with our nature trail, making improvements and relocating a section of the trail. 

Today (5/27) at 4 PM the GMC is offering a workshop for families, Hiking With Children. The instructors are the parents of young children and have led a variety of outdoor education and hiking programs for all ages. They will guide you through planning a hike that will work for you and your kids, talk about what you should wear, and what you should pack for a day of fun and adventure. The event is free or by donation. 

Recordings of previous GMC workshops can be found here: Virtual Workshops & Event Recordings. For example, check out the workshop on outdoor adventures with babies, toddlers and preschoolers! Also check out their Facebook group, HikeVT w/ Kids.

In preparing for our hikes, I came across this resource from Best Kid Friendly Trails in Vermont. Happy trails!

Zones of Regulation - Body Clues

In wellness classes students have learned the physiological cues our bodies give them to help them figure out what zone they are in. This in...