Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Talking with Kids About Race and Racism

Considering recent events, I want to share some resources that could be helpful in talking with your kids about race and racism. Start off by informing yourself; check out Antiracist Reading Recs from Loyalty Bookstores. Loyalty is an independent bookstore committed to providing diverse reads for all ages. Other resources to explore:
Also check out the resources compiled by the librarian at Fayston Elementary, Sarah Adelman: Resources on Race/Racism/Discrimination.

There are a lot more resources out there. I wanted to give you a good starting point. I realize these conversations are difficult and likely uncomfortable, but they are so important. If you need help with addressing race and racism with your child, please reach out: jstevenson@huusd.org

Zones of Regulation - Body Clues

In wellness classes students have learned the physiological cues our bodies give them to help them figure out what zone they are in. This in...