Monday, May 4, 2020

COVID-19: Resources for Young Children

I want to share some resources from Defending the Early Years, a non-profit organization promoting early childhood education. The first is a video, Dr. Susan Linn & Audrey Duck Talking About the Cornavirus. Through parent-child conversation, the video explains the virus using kid-friendly language. It talk about why children cannot have playdates, why social distancing is important and how it is okay to be physically close to the people they live with by not with others outside the home. Other topics include the need for children to be independent and play alone at times while parents are working from home, coping with feelings such as fear and loneliness, and connecting with others through video.

The second is a comprehensive guide for parents, Guidance for Supporting Young Children Through COVID-19. It covers how to establish routines, ways to encouraging meaningful play at home, using this opportunity to teach important life skills, managing screen time and talking about the virus.

Check out these resources and let me know what you think. And please do not hesitate to reach out if I can help -

Zones of Regulation - Body Clues

In wellness classes students have learned the physiological cues our bodies give them to help them figure out what zone they are in. This in...