We are entering our fourth week of distance learning. I will continue to post coronavirus-specific resources and ways to support your child's social emotional learning (SEL) at home. Thus far the focus has been on younger students. Moving forward, I will post information that is applicable across the grades (Prek-6).
The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly was shared with me by the principal at Moretown Elementary School, Mandy Couturier. Written by Ana Gomez, psychotherapist and author, this interactive book seeks to help younger children understand the coronavirus and COVID-19. I love how the experiences of oysters and butterflies are used to represent how we can deal with challenges and build resilience...we can use our powers! And the "too big, too hot, too cold" emotions continuum is similar to the Zones!
I would love to hear your experiences using this book. And do not hesitate to reach out if I can help in any way: jstevenson@huusd.org and (802) 583-7876.
Zones of Regulation - Body Clues
In wellness classes students have learned the physiological cues our bodies give them to help them figure out what zone they are in. This in...

I came across this article, How Inuit Parents Teach Kids to Control Their Anger , from KQED awhile ago, saved it to my list of parenting res...
In wellness classes this year the focus has been on the Zones of Regulation . The Zones is an approach used to teach self-regulation by cate...
Hello! I hope you had a great weekend! I will say mine was quite productive, completing several outdoor projects on my to-do list. If you di...