Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID-19 Time Capsule

I recently came across some great time capsule ideas on the internet. Creating a time capsule could be a fun family activity, a way for your child to document their experiences and reflect on them in the future. The first is from Parkview Health. They provide a list of potential items to include (i.e., Lysol wipes, a list of shows you have been binge-watching on Netflix, a recipe for hand sanitizer) and a humorous pandemic-themed Mad Lib.

The second was shared with me by a Fayston parent. It is a paper time capsule, created by Long Creations. Click on the image below to access the capsule in Google Drive. I would suggest having your child complete one page per day.

Zones of Regulation - Body Clues

In wellness classes students have learned the physiological cues our bodies give them to help them figure out what zone they are in. This in...